Bawsy went to the old phone booth on the seedy side of town and waited for the call. The phone rang and a raspy voice stated his demands over the phone. She pleaded with him, " I thought we meant something to each other and then you did what you did. I even forgave you...why are you doing this? sob, sob...
The raspy voice laughed," It's about the money, it's always been about the money honey...did you think it was your rapier wit and sparkling sense of humor? Don't take it personal it's just business, Daddy will send me the cash and all those photos will go away. Now run back to the mansion and ask Daddy for my money or else!"
"Wait, wait...." too late he had hung up already, Lou Chang, her driver, opened the door to the limo for Bawsy..."Everything alright Ms. Bawsy?" "No, Lou it's not, and I don't think it ever will be. Just take me back to the estate I have to speak to my Poppa."