Tuesday, January 27, 2009

In the beginning

Once upon a time there was a lady and she fell in love with a doll, a special doll...a BLYTHE. Then there was the first doll her name was Flawsy Pampermeena Shopaloticus she is the daughter of a greek olive oil baron, Poppa Shopaloticus. She came to live with the lady at Poppa's request. Flawsy was doing too much shopping and she needed a taste of life without a mall. Flawsy came and was happy until her sister came to keep an eye on her, it seemes she was still charging up her credit cards. Her sister was Bawsy, the trustworthy one, the one who always did the right thing, or so we thought. It seems Bawsy had a secret that in time would be revealed and the Shopaloticus Empire would suffer for it....dun..dunnn...dunnn....

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